David Kennedy, SO, Lamoille HS, VT 


Tyrone Conley, SO, Burlington HS, VT  


Blaise Cote, SR, South Burlington HS, VT



 Men - Team Rankings - 18 
    1) Essex High School - VT     107.50     2) St. Johnsbury Academy - V  84   
    3) Burlington High School - V  76        4) Mt. Mansfield Union HS -   73   
    5) South Burlington HS - VT    65        6) Lyndon Institute - VT      52.50
    7) Colchester HS - VT          51        8) Champlai Valley UHS - VT   49   
    9) Fair Haven Union HS - VT    31       10) Rice Memorial HS - VT      29   
   11) Bellows Free Acad - VT      21       12) Mt. Abraham HS - VT        17   
   13) North Country U HS - VT     11.50    14) U-32 HS - VT               11   
   15) Milton HS - VT               8       16) Rutland HS - VT             5   
   17) Spaulding High School - VT   1.50                                        





Licensed to Burlington High School      Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 5/7/2005 04:36 PM
                     BURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL TRACK & FIELD                      
                      32nd BOYS & 33rd GIRLS INVITATIONAL                      
                  Essex, VT, USA  - 5/6/2005 to 5/7/2005                  
Boys 100 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: # 10.87  5/11/2001   Eric Groce, Rutland HS                      
VT State D 1: $ 10.82  2002        Eric Groce, Rutland HS                      
VT State D 2: % 11.18  5/10/2002   Andrew Gill, Rice Memorial HS               
VT State D 3: & 11.10  1997        Michael Jones, Poultney HS                  
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1  1648 Kennedy, David      SO Lamoille VT              11.69Q  1 
  2  1456 Plumley, Andrew     SO Burlington VT            12.01Q  4 
  3  1953 Lipsey, Dwight         U-32 VT                  12.02Q  2 
  4  1493 Jesset, Colby       SR Champlain Val VT         12.57Q  3 
  5  1533 McFadden, Jake      SR Colchester  VT           12.04q  1 
  6  1931 Wilkins, Chris      SR St. Johnsbury VT         12.07q  2 
  7  1932 Williams, Trevor    JR St. Johnsbury VT         12.14q  1 
  8  1720 Xiques, Glenn       10 Milton VT                12.16q  4 
  9  1774 Saxer, Silas        12 Mt. Mansfield VT         12.17   4 
 10  1821 Bergeron, Dan       SR Rice Mem VT              12.24   1 
 11  1529 Gamache, Matt       SR Colchester  VT           12.28   2 
 12  1758 Bestenbostel, Adam  12 Mt. Mansfield VT         12.41   2 
 13  1800 Madey, Joseph       10 NorthCountry VT          12.46   1 
 14  1580 Farnham-Haskel, Za  FR Essex VT                 12.47   1 
 15  1625 Luther, Brendyn     FR Fair Haven VT            12.62   4 
 16  1401 Bernard, Donald     SO Bell. Free Ac VT         12.70   2 
 17  1460 Weaver, Travis      JR Burlington VT            12.77   3 
 17  1502 Seward, Ben         FR Champlain Val VT         12.77   2 
 19  1721 Brim, Brad          SR Mt. Abraham VT           12.78   4 
 20  1823 Cooke, Marc         SR Rice Mem VT              12.80   3 
 21  1717 Tharpe, Robert      10 Milton VT                12.87   2 
 22  1410 Gleason, Ben        SR Bell. Free Ac VT         12.89   3 
 23  1871 Lei, Chris          SR S. Burlington VT         12.96   3 
 24  1732 Gustafson, Walt     JR Mt. Abraham VT           13.17   3 
 25  1675 Ninh, Sam           SR Lyndon VT                13.18   4 
 26  1621 Kenney, Wesley      FR Fair Haven VT            13.90   1 
Boys 100 Meter Dash
        Meet: # 10.87  5/11/2001   Eric Groce, Rutland HS                      
VT State D 1: $ 10.82  2002        Eric Groce, Rutland HS                      
VT State D 2: % 11.18  5/10/2002   Andrew Gill, Rice Memorial HS               
VT State D 3: & 11.10  1997        Michael Jones, Poultney HS                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1  1648 Kennedy, David      SO Lamoille VT              11.85  
  2  1456 Plumley, Andrew     SO Burlington VT            12.17    10  
  3  1931 Wilkins, Chris      SR St. Johnsbury VT         12.17     8  
  4  1953 Lipsey, Dwight         U-32 VT                  12.27     6  
  5  1533 McFadden, Jake      SR Colchester  VT           12.31     5  
  6  1932 Williams, Trevor    JR St. Johnsbury VT         12.38     4  
  7  1493 Jesset, Colby       SR Champlain Val VT         12.51     3  
  8  1720 Xiques, Glenn       10 Milton VT                13.35     2  
Boys 200 Meter Dash
6 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
        Meet: # 22.35  5/11/2001   Eric Groce, Rutland HS                      
VT State D 1: $ 22.28  2001        Eric Groce, Rutland HS                      
VT State D 2: % 22.65  4/26/2005   David Kennedy, Lamoille HS                  
VT State D 3: & 23.21  1997        Nick Cobb, Green Mountain Union HS          
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1  1533 McFadden, Jake      SR Colchester  VT           23.83Q  3 
  2  1953 Lipsey, Dwight         U-32 VT                  24.20Q  1 
  3  1930 Stanton, Kevin      SR St. Johnsbury VT         24.33Q  4 
  4  1968 Tisbert, Ryan       11 Vergennes VT             24.50Q  2 
  5  1575 Benson, Pat         SR Essex VT                 23.98q  3 
  6  1622 King, Dustin        SR Fair Haven VT            24.56q  4 
  7  1828 Singh, Pritpal      SR Rice Mem VT              24.73   1 
  8  1917 Clough, Ben         SO St. Johnsbury VT         24.86   4 
  9  1774 Saxer, Silas        12 Mt. Mansfield VT         24.88   2 
 10  1821 Bergeron, Dan       SR Rice Mem VT              25.01   1 
 11  1868 Edmonds, Ben        SO S. Burlington VT         25.08   1 
 12  1525 Bombardier, Kyle    JR Colchester  VT           25.39   3 
 13  1668 Fong, Tom           SR Lyndon VT                25.45   2 
 14  1459 Weaver, Llew        SR Burlington VT            25.78   1 
 15  1493 Jesset, Colby       SR Champlain Val VT         26.04   2 
 16  1732 Gustafson, Walt     JR Mt. Abraham VT           26.08   3 
 17  1454 Paquette, Zach      SO Burlington VT            26.19   2 
 18  1672 Lin, Jonathan       JR Lyndon VT                26.19   3 
 19  1401 Bernard, Donald     SO Bell. Free Ac VT         26.27   1 
 20  1409 Gamache, Dante      SO Bell. Free Ac VT         27.19   4 
 21  1711 McLaughlin, Pat     12 Milton VT                27.43   2 
 22  1957 Paulger, Lucas         U-32 VT                  27.83   3 
 23  1720 Xiques, Glenn       10 Milton VT                28.06   4 
 24  1804 Perkins, Adam        9 NorthCountry VT          28.38   4 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
        Meet: # 22.35  5/11/2001   Eric Groce, Rutland HS                      
VT State D 1: $ 22.28  2001        Eric Groce, Rutland HS                      
VT State D 2: % 22.65  4/26/2005   David Kennedy, Lamoille HS                  
VT State D 3: & 23.21  1997        Nick Cobb, Green Mountain Union HS          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1  1968 Tisbert, Ryan       11 Vergennes VT             24.29  
  2  1622 King, Dustin        SR Fair Haven VT            24.40    10  
  3  1533 McFadden, Jake      SR Colchester  VT           24.42     8  
  4  1575 Benson, Pat         SR Essex VT                 24.45     6  
  5  1953 Lipsey, Dwight         U-32 VT                  24.51     5  
  6  1930 Stanton, Kevin      SR St. Johnsbury VT         24.74     4  
Boys 400 Meter Dash
        Meet: # 50.50  5/15/1998   Bayon Robinson, St.Johnsbury Academy        
VT State D 1: $ 49.87  1997        Chris Wilson, Mount Mansfield UHS           
VT State D 2: % 50.21  1992        Tom Gardiner, Lamoille HS                   
VT State D 3: & 50.51  1992        Tarique Johnson, Burr and Burton HS         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1  1648 Kennedy, David      SO Lamoille VT              50.44#  4 
  2  1828 Singh, Pritpal      SR Rice Mem VT              51.97   4   10  
  3  1931 Wilkins, Chris      SR St. Johnsbury VT         52.84   4    8  
  4  1485 Cope, Joe           JR Champlain Val VT         53.11   4    6  
  5  1575 Benson, Pat         SR Essex VT                 53.65   3    5  
  6  1865 Cote, Blaise        SR S. Burlington VT         53.69   4    4  
  7  1497 Miles, Caleb        SO Champlain Val VT         53.83   3    3  
  8  1930 Stanton, Kevin      SR St. Johnsbury VT         54.26   4    2  
  9  1875 McLaughlin, Tommy   SR S. Burlington VT         55.46   1    1  
 10  1966 Sorrell, Mike       11 Vergennes VT             55.60   3 
 11  1592 Williams, Brad      FR Essex VT                 55.70   3 
 12  1839 Hughes, Bobby       FR Rutland VT               55.98   3 
 13  1825 Foote, Peter        SR Rice Mem VT              56.49   3 
 14  1419 Yanney, Richard     JR Bell. Free Ac VT         56.53   2 
 15  1668 Fong, Tom           SR Lyndon VT                56.77   2 
 16  1440 Alexander, Bailin   SR Burlington VT            57.27   2 
 17  1792 Benson, Anthony     11 NorthCountry VT          57.98   2 
 18  1731 Fitzimmons, Ryan    SR Mt. Abraham VT           58.12   1 
 19  1671 Lim, James          JR Lyndon VT                58.23   2 
 20  1765 Hamel-Bissell, Bre  11 Mt. Mansfield VT         60.30   1 
 21  1770 Malinowski, Tom     10 Mt. Mansfield VT         60.52   2 
 22  1712 Morgan, Dylan       10 Milton VT                63.63   1 
 --  1449 Delaney, Ryan       JR Burlington VT               FS   1 
Boys 800 Meter Run
        Meet: # 1:59.43  5/9/2003    Brian Mongeon, Rice HS                    
VT State D 1: $ 1:54.81  5/10/2003   Devin Riley, Rutland HS                   
VT State D 2: % 1:55.60  5/24/2003   Brian Mongeon, Rice Memorial HS           
VT State D 3: & 2:04.40  1995        Ty Hansen, Burr and Burton HS             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1  1865 Cote, Blaise        SR S. Burlington VT       2:02.97&   10  
  2  1965 Rule, Chad          12 Vergennes VT           2:05.16  
  3  1867 Donahue, Ian        SR S. Burlington VT       2:06.73     8  
  4  1582 Ketcham, Chris      JR Essex VT               2:07.53     6  
  5  1839 Hughes, Bobby       FR Rutland VT             2:08.45     5  
  6  1778 Thornton, Lane      10 Mt. Mansfield VT       2:09.04     4  
  7  1772 O'Brien, Connor     10 Mt. Mansfield VT       2:09.50     3  
  8  1630 Scott, Jeff         JR Fair Haven VT          2:13.44     2  
  9  1797 Gratton, Scott      12 NorthCountry VT        2:15.45     1  
 10  1484 Blittersdorf, Evan  SO Champlain Val VT       2:15.50  
 11  1578 Dawson, Kyle        SR Essex VT               2:15.53  
 12  1452 McBee, Dan          JR Burlington VT          2:16.52  
 13  1920 Guinan, Shane       SO St. Johnsbury VT       2:17.38  
 14  1531 Lamothe, Chris      JR Colchester  VT         2:19.00  
 15  1731 Fitzimmons, Ryan    SR Mt. Abraham VT         2:19.12  
 16  1408 Gabrault, David     FR Bell. Free Ac VT       2:20.02  
 17  1952 Ihley, Nick            U-32 VT                2:20.12  
 18  1541 Strickland, Kyle    JR Colchester  VT         2:28.22  
 19  1461 Yanofsky, Jared     JR Burlington VT          2:28.33  
 20  1842 Lougee, Nate        SO Rutland VT             2:29.11  
 21  1715 Simons, Mike        10 Milton VT              2:30.73  
 22  1713 Noel, Will           9 Milton VT              2:33.25  
 23  1629 Sbardella, Neil     SO Fair Haven VT          2:58.25  
Boys 1500 Meter Run
        Meet: # 4:06.73  5/10/2002   Mint Henk, U-32 UHS                       
VT State D 1: $ 3:57.4h  1986        John Daley, Rutland HS                    
VT State D 2: % 4:00.44  2001        Bruce Hyde, Harwood Union HS              
VT State D 3: & 4:07.40  2000        William (Mint) Henk, Randolph Union HS    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1  1866 Cote, Blake         SR S. Burlington VT       4:19.39    10  
  2  1488 Fox, Luke           SO Champlain Val VT       4:19.66     8  
  3  1825 Foote, Peter        SR Rice Mem VT            4:21.30     6  
  4  1963 Carter, Joe         10 Vergennes VT           4:21.59  
  5  1411 Gunther, Eric       SR Bell. Free Ac VT       4:25.72     5  
  6  1801 McBride, Benjamin   10 NorthCountry VT        4:30.03     4  
  7  1584 Kieft, Brandon      FR Essex VT               4:30.86     3  
  8  1679 Stimpson, Matt      SR Lyndon VT              4:34.40     2  
  9  1702 Adams, Zachary      11 Milton VT              4:34.47     1  
 10  1914 Bunnell, Ken        FR St. Johnsbury VT       4:35.14  
 11  1586 McMahon, Niall      FR Essex VT               4:35.65  
 12  1492 Jacobsen, Alec      FR Champlain Val VT       4:37.54  
 13  1451 Kempner, Doug       FR Burlington VT          4:38.38  
 14  1771 Manning, Will       12 Mt. Mansfield VT       4:38.50  
 15  1759 Bibb, Stefan        12 Mt. Mansfield VT       4:39.52  
 16  1414 Lepeltier, Vincent  SR Bell. Free Ac VT       4:47.02  
 17  1976 Taylor, Ben         JR Spaulding VT           4:52.51  
 18  1528 Farmer, Mike        SO Colchester  VT         4:52.95  
 19  1824 Doyle, Ryan         SR Rice Mem VT            4:54.90  
 20  1444 Bushey, Jason       SR Burlington VT          5:04.77  
 21  1838 Fenn, Spencer       FR Rutland VT             5:08.55  
 22  1616 Duclos, Brian       FR Fair Haven VT          5:15.16  
 23  1960 Watson, Brian          U-32 VT                5:20.46  
 24  1726 Cota-Weaver, Zach   FR Mt. Abraham VT         5:21.92  
 --  1706 Cheney, Tom         12 Milton VT                   DQ  
Boys 3000 Meter Run
        Meet: # 8:51.91  5/11/2001   Bruce Hyde, Harwood Union HS              
VT State D 1: $ 8:46.5h  1987        John Kulas, Brattleboro Union HS          
VT State D 2: % 8:24.52  2002        William (Mint) Henk, U-32 Union HS        
VT State D 3: & 9:09.70  1994        Mark Churchill, Peoples Academy           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1  1579 Emerson, David      SR Essex VT               9:28.87    10  
  2  1590 Roque, Ben          SR Essex VT               9:38.54     8  
  3  1501 Rosenblad, Kyle     JR Champlain Val VT       9:40.70     6  
  4  1706 Cheney, Tom         12 Milton VT              9:44.03     5  
  5  1967 Spencer, Theo       11 Vergennes VT           9:46.41  
  6  1679 Stimpson, Matt      SR Lyndon VT              9:58.59     4  
  7  1766 Hamlin, Chris       11 Mt. Mansfield VT      10:01.39     3  
  8  1805 Starr, Seth         10 NorthCountry VT       10:05.65     2  
  9  1411 Gunther, Eric       SR Bell. Free Ac VT      10:10.68     1  
 10  1492 Jacobsen, Alec      FR Champlain Val VT      10:12.01  
 11  1451 Kempner, Doug       FR Burlington VT         10:12.73  
 12  1928 Powers, Kyle        FR St. Johnsbury VT      10:12.98  
 13  1955 Mayforth, Nick         U-32 VT               10:14.24  
 14  1617 Duclos, Tim         SR Fair Haven VT         10:21.17  
 15  1837 Allen, Jeremy       JR Rutland VT            10:26.04  
 16  1954 Mayforth, Fran         U-32 VT               10:29.74  
 17  1710 Kelley, Alex        12 Milton VT             10:31.87  
 18  1976 Taylor, Ben         JR Spaulding VT          10:44.02  
 19  1618 Dundon, Ryan        SO Fair Haven VT         10:53.06  
 20  1824 Doyle, Ryan         SR Rice Mem VT           11:01.59  
 21  1844 Potter, Bowman      SO Rutland VT            11:05.57  
 22  1414 Lepeltier, Vincent  SR Bell. Free Ac VT      11:11.31  
 23  1531 Lamothe, Chris      JR Colchester  VT        11:18.22  
 --  1873 Maglaris, Alex      SR S. Burlington VT           DNF  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 5 Best Times
        Meet: # 14.70  1997        Marco Aimi, Champlain Valley UHS            
VT State D 1: $ 14.68  1997        Marco Aimi, Champlain Valley U HS           
VT State D 2: % 14.61  1994        Ray Van Rooyen, Harwood Union HS            
VT State D 3: & 15.30  1995        Mike Healander, Peoples Academy             
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1  1919 Goodwin, Brian      SR St. Johnsbury VT         16.22Q  2 
  2  1591 Sutton, Bill        SR Essex VT                 16.30Q  1 
  3  1973 Rolland, Bennett    12 Harwood VT               16.34Q  3 
  4  1779 Weir, Nick          12 Mt. Mansfield VT         16.78q  1 
  5  1537 Peterson, Chris     JR Colchester  VT           17.28q  2 
  6  1923 Impey, Jeffrey      SO St. Johnsbury VT         17.31q  3 
  7  1763 Ekwuabu, Nmoemeka   12 Mt. Mansfield VT         17.47q  2 
  8  1581 Hennessey, Bobby    SR Essex VT                 18.50q  3 
  9  1673 Mitchell, Matt      SO Lyndon VT                18.51   2 
 10  1822 Contompasis, John   SR Rice Mem VT              19.03   1 
 11  1614 Demasi, Dylan       JR Fair Haven VT            19.07   3 
 12  1498 Nielsen, Ryan       SR Champlain Val VT         19.18   1 
 13  1714 Sharpe, Kyle        11 Milton VT                19.19   2 
 14  1412 Hunterwolf, Colin   SR Bell. Free Ac VT         19.38   3 
 15  1733 Hannah, Adam        FR Mt. Abraham VT           19.40   1 
 16  1496 Merritt, Hannah     10 Champlain Val VT         20.04   3 
 17  1447 Chutter-Ames, Gael  FR Burlington VT            20.17   1 
 18  1455 Perry, Michael      FR Burlington VT            20.24   2 
 19  1623 Korda, Nick         SR Fair Haven VT            20.52   2 
 20  1734 Leheureux, Ryan     FR Mt. Abraham VT           22.56   3 
 21  1406 Czekaj, Peter       SO Bell. Free Ac VT         23.21   2 
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
        Meet: # 14.70  1997        Marco Aimi, Champlain Valley UHS            
VT State D 1: $ 14.68  1997        Marco Aimi, Champlain Valley U HS           
VT State D 2: % 14.61  1994        Ray Van Rooyen, Harwood Union HS            
VT State D 3: & 15.30  1995        Mike Healander, Peoples Academy             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1  1591 Sutton, Bill        SR Essex VT                 16.01    10  
  2  1973 Rolland, Bennett    12 Harwood VT               16.12  
  3  1919 Goodwin, Brian      SR St. Johnsbury VT         16.46     8  
  4  1537 Peterson, Chris     JR Colchester  VT           17.17     6  
  5  1779 Weir, Nick          12 Mt. Mansfield VT         17.24     5  
  6  1763 Ekwuabu, Nmoemeka   12 Mt. Mansfield VT         17.54     4  
  7  1923 Impey, Jeffrey      SO St. Johnsbury VT         17.71     3  
  8  1581 Hennessey, Bobby    SR Essex VT                 18.13     2  
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
        Meet: # 40.0h  1993        Michael Middleton, St.Johnsbury Academy     
VT State D 1: $ 38.6h  1987        Hiroshi Andrews, South Burlington HS        
VT State D 2: % 39.4h  1986        Mike Marsh, Ray Van Rooyen 1994, Montpelier 
VT State D 3: & 41.70  1994        Peter Lyng, Windsor HS                      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1  1593 Williams, Bryant    JR Essex VT                 41.19&  4   10  
  2  1973 Rolland, Bennett    12 Harwood VT               41.62&  4 
  3  1919 Goodwin, Brian      SR St. Johnsbury VT         42.01   4    8  
  4  1537 Peterson, Chris     JR Colchester  VT           44.24   4    6  
  5  1588 Polakowski, Jason   SO Essex VT                 45.05   4    5  
  6  1543 Ugalde, Brian       JR Colchester  VT           45.83   2    4  
  7  1873 Maglaris, Alex      SR S. Burlington VT         45.89   3    3  
  8  1923 Impey, Jeffrey      SO St. Johnsbury VT         46.55   4    2  
  9  1459 Weaver, Llew        SR Burlington VT            46.70   3    1  
 10  1412 Hunterwolf, Colin   SR Bell. Free Ac VT         47.42   2 
 11  1498 Nielsen, Ryan       SR Champlain Val VT         47.57   2 
 12  1614 Demasi, Dylan       JR Fair Haven VT            47.85   3 
 13  1673 Mitchell, Matt      SO Lyndon VT                48.63   3 
 14  1496 Merritt, Hannah     10 Champlain Val VT         48.71   1 
 15  1736 Rieck, Drew         SR Mt. Abraham VT           48.78   3 
 16  1871 Lei, Chris          SR S. Burlington VT         48.88   2 
 17  1447 Chutter-Ames, Gael  FR Burlington VT            49.13   1 
 18  1714 Sharpe, Kyle        11 Milton VT                49.38   2 
 19  1763 Ekwuabu, Nmoemeka   12 Mt. Mansfield VT         49.58   2 
 20  1975 Crowther, Collin    JR Spaulding VT             49.74   3 
 21  1769 Larson, Ben         09 Mt. Mansfield VT         50.17   1 
 22  1405 Bryce, Alex         SR Bell. Free Ac VT         50.25   1 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
        Meet: # 45.00  5/15/1998   , Champlain Valley UHS                      
                       J.Mace, E.Winn, C.Hart, C.Supernaw                
VT State D 1: $ 43.28  6/1/2002    , Rutland HS                                
                       N.Groce,E.Groce, M.Mcleod, M.Zipf-Oldenburg       
VT State D 2: % 44.40  2000        , Rice Memorial HS                          
                       S.Cromack, A.Gill,M. Mastrolia,A. Abrami          
VT State D 3: & 46.60  2000        , South Royalton HS                         
                       J.Lamson,C. Bushman,C. Clark,N. Kelly             
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Essex High School - VT                                45.34&  3   10  
     1) 1583 Kida, Jamie SO             2) 1574 Benson, Bryce JR          
     3) 1575 Benson, Pat SR             4) 1593 Williams, Bryant JR       
     5) 1594 Yanulavich, Sam SR         6) 1592 Williams, Brad FR         
     7) 1580 Farnham-Haskel, Zac FR     8) 1573 Avery, Jordan JR          
  2 St. Johnsbury Academy - VT                            46.26&  3    8  
     1) 1930 Stanton, Kevin SR          2) 1921 Hooker, Shaun FR          
     3) 1931 Wilkins, Chris SR          4) 1932 Williams, Trevor JR       
     5) 1927 Ok, Jung Woo SO            6)                                
  3 Colchester HS - VT                                    46.46&  3    6  
     1) 1533 McFadden, Jake SR          2) 1525 Bombardier, Kyle JR       
     3) 1529 Gamache, Matt SR           4) 1534 Neary, Tim SR             
  4 South Burlington HS - VT                              47.03   3    5  
     1) 1868 Edmonds, Ben SO            2) 1870 Jabour, Mike SR           
     3) 1871 Lei, Chris SR              4) 1869 Franzoni, Doug SR         
     5) 1876 Moore, Stephan JR          6)                                
  5 Rice Memorial HS - VT                                 47.09   2    4  
     1) 1821 Bergeron, Dan SR           2) 1826 Leclair, Conner SO        
     3) 1823 Cooke, Marc SR             4) 1828 Singh, Pritpal SR         
  6 Mt. Mansfield Union HS - VT                           47.13   3    3  
     1) 1758 Bestenbostel, Adam 12      2) 1765 Hamel-Bissell, Brendan 11 
     3) 1774 Saxer, Silas 12            4) 1779 Weir, Nick 12             
     5) 1762 Dubuque, Jack 10           6) 1764 Greeley, Adam 12          
  7 Vergennes HS - VT                                     47.21   2 
     1) 1968 Tisbert, Ryan 11           2) 1970 Yantz, Anthony 11         
     3) 1969 Webb, Rob 9                4) 1964 Melnick, Alex 12          
     5) 1965 Rule, Chad 12              6)                                
  8 Lyndon Institute - VT                                 47.74   2    2  
     1) 1668 Fong, Tom SR               2) 1678 Sawhill, Dan JR           
     3) 1675 Ninh, Sam SR               4) 1672 Lin, Jonathan JR          
     5) 1666 Aussiker, Ralph FR         6) 1667 Deth, Tony SO             
  9 Fair Haven Union HS - VT                              48.28   3    1  
     1) 1614 Demasi, Dylan JR           2) 1622 King, Dustin SR           
     3) 1625 Luther, Brendyn FR         4) 1628 Rogals, Mike SO           
     5) 1621 Kenney, Wesley FR          6) 1619 Forster, Curtis FR        
 10 Bellows Free Acad - VT                                50.39   1 
     1) 1401 Bernard, Donald SO         2) 1407 Drown, Val SO             
     3) 1410 Gleason, Ben SR            4) 1418 Shaw, Andrew SO           
 11 Mt. Abraham HS - VT                                   50.45   1 
     1) 1721 Brim, Brad SR              2) 1725 Conant, Justin JR         
     3) 1732 Gustafson, Walt JR         4) 1733 Hannah, Adam FR           
 12 Milton HS - VT                                        51.59   1 
     1) 1707 Choquette, Jayden 11       2) 1716 Stevens, Craig 12         
     3) 1718 VanGemert, Casey 10        4) 1717 Tharpe, Robert 10         
     5) 1719 Wicinski, Alex 10          6) 1711 McLaughlin, Pat 12        
 -- Burlington High School - VT                              DQ   2 
     1) 1440 Alexander, Bailin SR       2) 1456 Plumley, Andrew SO        
     3) 1454 Paquette, Zach SO          4) 1460 Weaver, Travis JR         
     5) 1445 Cauchon, Brian JR          6) 1443 Bounsana, David JR        
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
        Meet: # 3:33.60  5/15/1998   , Rutland HS                              
                         D.Waltulak, M.Audette, T.Gillen, S.Bourgoin       
VT State D 1: $ 3:29.2h  1989        , Essex HS                                
                         Wooten, Montague, Brown, Begins                   
VT State D 2: % 3:29.4h  1988        , Rice Memorial HS                        
                         Hathaway, Marcoux, Mitiguy, Poulin                
VT State D 3: & 3:42.90  1994        , Lake Region HS                          
                         Trevits, Waring, Renault, Poutre                  
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Essex High School - VT                              3:38.00&  2   10  
     1) 1592 Williams, Brad FR          2) 1593 Williams, Bryant JR       
     3) 1575 Benson, Pat SR             4) 1591 Sutton, Bill SR           
     5) 1594 Yanulavich, Sam SR         6) 1589 Richard, Nolan SO         
     7) 1582 Ketcham, Chris JR          8) 1574 Benson, Bryce JR          
  2 South Burlington HS - VT                            3:40.09&  2    8  
     1) 1865 Cote, Blaise SR            2) 1866 Cote, Blake SR            
     3) 1867 Donahue, Ian SR            4)                                
     5)                                 6) 1875 McLaughlin, Tommy SR      
  3 Champlai Valley Uhs - VT                            3:42.81&  1    6  
     1) 1485 Cope, Joe JR               2) 1488 Fox, Luke SO              
     3) 1486 Delean, Rob JR             4) 1497 Miles, Caleb SO           
     5) 1490 Hill, Nate JR              6)                                
  4 Colchester HS - VT                                  3:47.73   1    5  
     1) 1533 McFadden, Jake SR          2) 1529 Gamache, Matt SR          
     3) 1525 Bombardier, Kyle JR        4) 1541 Strickland, Kyle JR       
     5) 1542 Thibault, Josh JR          6) 1526 Demasi, Tyler JR          
     7) 1543 Ugalde, Brian JR           8)                                
  5 Rice Memorial HS - VT                               3:47.92   2    4  
     1) 1821 Bergeron, Dan SR           2) 1826 Leclair, Conner SO        
     3) 1825 Foote, Peter SR            4) 1828 Singh, Pritpal SR         
  6 North Country U HS - VT                             3:48.31   1    3  
     1) 1792 Benson, Anthony 11         2) 1799 Lareau, Nick 11           
     3) 1801 McBride, Benjamin 10       4) 1807 Vannesse, Brandon 9       
  7 Lyndon Institute - VT                               3:51.34   1    2  
     1) 1668 Fong, Tom SR               2) 1670 Lee, Geoff SR             
     3) 1673 Mitchell, Matt SO          4) 1681 Stoddard-Imari, Kali SR   
     5) 1680 Stoddard, Shani SO         6) 1671 Lim, James JR             
  8 Mt. Mansfield Union HS - VT                         3:52.17   2    1  
     1) 1774 Saxer, Silas 12            2) 1778 Thornton, Lane 10         
     3) 1772 O'Brien, Connor 10         4) 1763 Ekwuabu, Nmoemeka 12      
     5) 1765 Hamel-Bissell, Brendan 11  6) 1770 Malinowski, Tom 10        
  9 Burlington High School - VT                         3:52.92   1 
     1) 1440 Alexander, Bailin SR       2) 1459 Weaver, Llew SR           
     3) 1460 Weaver, Travis JR          4) 1448 Conley, Tyrone SO         
     5) 1449 Delaney, Ryan JR           6) 1443 Bounsana, David JR        
 -- Vergennes HS - VT                                      XDNF   2 
     1) 1966 Sorrell, Mike 11           2) 1968 Tisbert, Ryan 11          
     3) 1964 Melnick, Alex 12           4) 1965 Rule, Chad 12             
     5) 1963 Carter, Joe 10             6) 1967 Spencer, Theo 11          
 -- St. Johnsbury Academy - VT                               DQ   2 
     1) 1930 Stanton, Kevin SR          2) 1931 Wilkins, Chris SR         
     3) 1921 Hooker, Shaun FR           4) 1923 Impey, Jeffrey SO         
     5) 1927 Ok, Jung Woo SO            6) 1922 Howard, Lon II FR         
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
        Meet: # 8:18.93  5/11/2001   , Mount Mansfield UHS                     
                         T.Alexander, A.Donovan, A.Vogelzang, D.Manz       
VT State D 1: $ 8:12.52  2004        , S.Burlington HS                           
                         I.Donahue, A.Maglaris, B.Cote, B.Cote 
VT State D 2: % 8:10.09  6/14/2003   , Harwood Union HS                        
                         C.Phillips, S.Bell, D.Strojny, G.Marino           
VT State D 3: & 8:31.51  2000        , Thetford Academy                        
                         C.Grant,P. Wilmot, S.Perry, J.Milanese            
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 South Burlington HS - VT                            8:06.83%   10  
     1) 1867 Donahue, Ian SR            2) 1873 Maglaris, Alex SR         
     3) 1865 Cote, Blaise SR            4) 1866 Cote, Blake SR            
  2 Essex High School - VT                              8:11.07$    8  
     1) 1593 Williams, Bryant JR        2) 1590 Roque, Ben SR             
     3) 1582 Ketcham, Chris JR          4) 1579 Emerson, David SR         
     5) 1578 Dawson, Kyle SR            6) 1584 Kieft, Brandon FR         
  3 Vergennes HS - VT                                  X8:29.23& 
     1) 1966 Sorrell, Mike 11           2) 1963 Carter, Joe 10            
     3) 1967 Spencer, Theo 11           4) 1965 Rule, Chad 12             
  4 Mt. Mansfield Union HS - VT                         8:53.56     6  
     1) 1772 O'Brien, Connor 10         2) 1777 Sullivan, Ian 12          
     3) 1778 Thornton, Lane 10          4) 1761 Charpentier, Alex 10      
     5) 1757 Alexander, Matt 12         6) 1776 Soules, Brent 12          
  5 St. Johnsbury Academy - VT                          9:11.29     5  
     1) 1914 Bunnell, Ken FR            2) 1920 Guinan, Shane SO          
     3) 1925 Merino, Alberto JR         4) 1929 Spring, Nate 11           
     5) 1928 Powers, Kyle FR            6)                                
  6 Burlington High School - VT                         9:20.39     4  
     1) 1452 McBee, Dan JR              2) 1449 Delaney, Ryan JR          
     3) 1461 Yanofsky, Jared JR         4) 1444 Bushey, Jason SR          
     5) 1443 Bounsana, David JR         6) 1442 Barr, Trevor FR           
  7 Colchester HS - VT                                  9:24.73     3  
     1) 1541 Strickland, Kyle JR        2) 1531 Lamothe, Chris JR         
     3) 1539 Sebo, Evan FR              4) 1528 Farmer, Mike SO           
     5) 1532 Marchand, Nick SR          6) 1536 Olson, Matt JR            
  8 Bellows Free Acad - VT                             10:12.47     2  
     1) 1403 Boudreau, Jake FR          2) 1405 Bryce, Alex SR            
     3) 1408 Gabrault, David FR         4) 1415 McConnell, Greg FR        
 -- North Country U HS - VT                                  DQ  
     1) 1797 Gratton, Scott 12          2) 1802 McBride, Tyler 12         
     3) 1805 Starr, Seth 10             4) 1791 Allen, Schyler 11         
     5) 1807 Vannesse, Brandon 9        6)                                
Boys High Jump
        Meet: # 6-05.25  5/10/2002   David Ball, Spaulding HS                  
VT State D 1: $ 6-08.25  6/1/2002    David Ball, Spaulding HS                  
VT State D 2: %    6-08  1992        Matt Audiburt, Lamoille HS                
VT State D 3: &    6-01  2000        Justin Sauer, Windsor HS                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1  1448 Conley, Tyrone      SO Burlington VT          6-05.50#     1.96m   10  
  2  1681 Stoddard-Imari, Ka  SR Lyndon VT              6-02.00&     1.87m    8  
  3  1627 Richards, Manuel    SO Fair Haven VT          5-10.00      1.77m    6  
  4  1450 Fotouhi, Jordan     JR Burlington VT         J5-10.00      1.77m    5  
  5  1775 Scheidegger, Nikla  12 Mt. Mansfield VT       5-08.00      1.72m    4  
  6  1576 Cayea, Scott        SO Essex VT               5-06.00      1.67m    1.5
  6  1974 Noyes, Steve        SR Spaulding VT           5-06.00      1.67m    1.5
  6  1800 Madey, Joseph       10 NorthCountry VT        5-06.00      1.67m    1.5
  6  1868 Edmonds, Ben        SO S. Burlington VT       5-06.00      1.67m    1.5
 10  1677 Poulin, Jonathan    SO Lyndon VT             J5-06.00      1.67m 
 10  1543 Ugalde, Brian       JR Colchester  VT        J5-06.00      1.67m 
 10  1947 Bessett, Ben           U-32 VT               J5-06.00      1.67m 
 10  1588 Polakowski, Jason   SO Essex VT              J5-06.00      1.67m 
 14  1761 Charpentier, Alex   10 Mt. Mansfield VT       5-04.00      1.62m 
 14  1822 Contompasis, John   SR Rice Mem VT            5-04.00      1.62m 
 16  1922 Howard, Lon II      FR St. Johnsbury VT       5-02.00      1.57m 
 16  1503 Stearns, Mike       JR Champlain Val VT       5-02.00      1.57m 
 16  1495 Masseau, Evan       SO Champlain Val VT       5-02.00      1.57m 
 --  1958 Richards, Josh         U-32 VT                     NH            
 --  1403 Boudreau, Jake      FR Bell. Free Ac VT            NH            
 --  1722 Butler, Wes         SR Mt. Abraham VT              NH            
 --  1734 Leheureux, Ryan     FR Mt. Abraham VT              NH            
Boys Pole Vault
        Meet: #    14-00  1993        Michael Middleton, St. Johnsbury Academy 
VT State D 1: $    14-04  1999        Mark Boyle, BFA-ST. Albans               
VT State D 2: % 13-03.50  1988        Jeremy Orr, Harwood UHS                  
VT State D 3: &    12-06  1995        Mike Healander, Peoples Academy          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1  1417 Pereira-Bailey, Ka  SR Bell. Free Ac VT      12-00.00      3.65m   10  
  2  1931 Wilkins, Chris      SR St. Johnsbury VT     J12-00.00      3.65m    8  
  3  1583 Kida, Jamie         SO Essex VT              10-06.00      3.20m    6  
  4  1493 Jesset, Colby       SR Champlain Val VT      10-00.00      3.04m    5  
  5  1487 Durda, Neil         SR Champlain Val VT     J10-00.00      3.04m    4  
  6  1879 Stats, Sam          SO S. Burlington VT       9-06.00      2.89m    2.5
  6  1677 Poulin, Jonathan    SO Lyndon VT              9-06.00      2.89m    2.5
  8  1767 Keszey, Jacob       12 Mt. Mansfield VT      J9-06.00      2.89m    1  
  9  1453 McFadden, Connor    SO Burlington VT          9-00.00      2.74m 
  9  1612 Corliss, Seth       SR Fair Haven VT          9-00.00      2.74m 
  9  1956 McVeigh, Brendan       U-32 VT                9-00.00      2.74m 
 --  1919 Goodwin, Brian      SR St. Johnsbury VT            NH            
 --  1682 Vendituoli, Tyler   SR Lyndon VT                   NH            
 --  1573 Avery, Jordan       JR Essex VT                    NH            
 --  1972 Franklin, Darin     12 Harwood VT                 XNH            
 --  1404 Boyle, Josh         SR Bell. Free Ac VT            NH            
 --  1445 Cauchon, Brian      JR Burlington VT               NH            
Boys Long Jump
        Meet: # 21-02.25  5/10/2002   David Ball, Spaulding HS                 
VT State D 1: $ 22-06.25  6/7/1969    Tom Titus, Champlain Valley UHS          
VT State D 2: % 22-03.75  1987        Brad Belleville, Montpelier HS           
VT State D 3: &    20-03  2000        Matt Lorenz, Green Mountain UHS          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1  1448 Conley, Tyrone      SO Burlington VT         20-08.00&     6.29m   10  
  2  1779 Weir, Nick          12 Mt. Mansfield VT      19-11.00      6.07m    8  
  3  1583 Kida, Jamie         SO Essex VT             J19-11.00      6.07m    6  
  4  1823 Cooke, Marc         SR Rice Mem VT           19-10.00      6.04m    5  
  5  1678 Sawhill, Dan        JR Lyndon VT             19-09.00      6.01m    4  
  6  1919 Goodwin, Brian      SR St. Johnsbury VT      19-08.50      6.00m    3  
  7  1525 Bombardier, Kyle    JR Colchester  VT        19-02.00      5.84m    2  
  8  1927 Ok, Jung Woo        SO St. Johnsbury VT      19-00.00      5.79m    1  
  9  1868 Edmonds, Ben        SO S. Burlington VT      18-07.00      5.66m 
 10  1537 Peterson, Chris     JR Colchester  VT        18-05.00      5.61m 
 10  1800 Madey, Joseph       10 NorthCountry VT       18-05.00      5.61m 
 12  1666 Aussiker, Ralph     FR Lyndon VT             18-01.00      5.51m 
 13  1627 Richards, Manuel    SO Fair Haven VT         17-10.50      5.44m 
 14  1484 Blittersdorf, Evan  SO Champlain Val VT      17-10.00      5.43m 
 15  1503 Stearns, Mike       JR Champlain Val VT      17-08.00      5.38m 
 16  1775 Scheidegger, Nikla  12 Mt. Mansfield VT      17-03.00      5.25m 
 17  1410 Gleason, Ben        SR Bell. Free Ac VT      16-10.00      5.13m 
 18  1730 Doyle-Burr, Silas   SR Mt. Abraham VT        16-07.00      5.05m 
 19  1704 Berteau, Alex       10 Milton VT             15-02.00      4.62m 
 20  1626 Montello, Nicholas  FR Fair Haven VT         14-08.00      4.47m 
 21  1705 Cheney, Dan         10 Milton VT             13-09.00      4.19m 
Boys Triple Jump
        Meet: # 44-00.50  5/8/2004    Sam Grover, Champlain Valley UHS         
VT State D 1: $ 46-01.50  5/29/2004   Sam Grover, Champlain Valley             
VT State D 2: %    44-09  1987        Brad Belleville, Montpelier HS           
VT State D 3: & 41-11.50  2000        Matt Lorenz, Green Mountain UHS          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1  1779 Weir, Nick          12 Mt. Mansfield VT      41-10.50     12.76m   10  
  2  1448 Conley, Tyrone      SO Burlington VT         40-03.00     12.26m    8  
  3  1537 Peterson, Chris     JR Colchester  VT        39-02.50     11.95m    6  
  4  1497 Miles, Caleb        SO Champlain Val VT      38-09.00     11.81m    5  
  5  1669 Kuk, Bailey         JR Lyndon VT            J38-09.00     11.81m    4  
  6  1494 Koulouris, Matt     JR Champlain Val VT      38-08.50     11.79m    3  
  7  1627 Richards, Manuel    SO Fair Haven VT         37-06.00     11.43m    2  
  8  1410 Gleason, Ben        SR Bell. Free Ac VT      37-04.50     11.39m    1  
  9  1722 Butler, Wes         SR Mt. Abraham VT        36-05.50     11.11m 
 10  1822 Contompasis, John   SR Rice Mem VT           36-02.00     11.02m 
 11  1922 Howard, Lon II      FR St. Johnsbury VT      35-04.50     10.78m 
 12  1675 Ninh, Sam           SR Lyndon VT             35-02.00     10.71m 
 13  1733 Hannah, Adam        FR Mt. Abraham VT        34-10.50     10.62m 
 14  1947 Bessett, Ben           U-32 VT               34-09.50     10.60m 
 15  1443 Bounsana, David     JR Burlington VT         34-00.00     10.36m 
 16  1767 Keszey, Jacob       12 Mt. Mansfield VT      33-10.00     10.31m 
 17  1710 Kelley, Alex        12 Milton VT             33-09.00     10.28m 
 18  1974 Noyes, Steve        SR Spaulding VT          33-08.00     10.26m 
 19  1705 Cheney, Dan         10 Milton VT             33-05.00     10.18m 
Boys Shot Put
        Meet: # 57-08.25  1987        Steve Yates, Burlington HS               
VT State D 1: $    59-06  1987        Steve Yates, Burlington HS               
VT State D 2: %    59-11  1997        Jeff Guilmette, U-32 HS                  
VT State D 3: &    46-11  6/1/2002    Stephen Hart, Green Mountain Union HS    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1  1441 Barkoski, Dylan     SR Burlington VT         46-11.50&    14.31m   10  
  2  1913 Bouffard, Riley     SR St. Johnsbury VT      45-04.00     13.81m    8  
  3  1768 LaBelle, Jesse      11 Mt. Mansfield VT      44-04.50     13.52m    6  
  4  1638 Canton, Kyle        12 Harwood VT           X44-03.50     13.50m 
  5  1735 Messier, Eric       JR Mt. Abraham VT        44-00.50     13.42m    5  
  6  1681 Stoddard-Imari, Ka  SR Lyndon VT             43-05.50     13.24m    4  
  7  1915 Butler, Michael     SR St. Johnsbury VT      41-08.50     12.71m    3  
  8  1417 Pereira-Bailey, Ka  SR Bell. Free Ac VT      41-03.00     12.57m    2  
  9  1585 Mayville, Luke      SR Essex VT              39-07.00     12.06m    1  
 10  1708 Dallier, Justin     11 Milton VT             38-05.50     11.72m 
 11  1709 Gonyeau, Jason      10 Milton VT             38-00.00     11.58m 
 12  1457 Porter, Mark        JR Burlington VT         37-07.50     11.46m 
 13  1872 Lumumba, Adolphe    JR S. Burlington VT      37-05.00     11.40m 
 14  1587 Ploof, Anthony      SR Essex VT              37-04.50     11.39m 
 15  1723 Cobb, Steven        SR Mt. Abraham VT        36-04.00     11.07m 
 16  1674 Newland, Ian        SR Lyndon VT             35-02.50     10.73m 
 17  1527 Deshenes, Tim       SR Colchester  VT        35-00.00     10.66m 
 18  1499 Perkins, Jed        SR Champlain Val VT      34-11.50     10.65m 
 19  1794 Blindow, Kyle       12 NorthCountry VT       34-08.50     10.57m 
 20  1798 Judd, Evan          11 NorthCountry VT       33-04.50     10.17m 
 21  1874 Mahl, Chris         FR S. Burlington VT      32-04.00      9.85m 
 22  1540 Snow, Mike          FR Colchester  VT        32-02.50      9.81m 
 23  1613 Cummings, Thomas    JR Fair Haven VT         28-11.50      8.82m 
 24  1949 Copeland, Keith        U-32 VT               24-00.50      7.32m 
 25  1620 Hutchins, Aaron     SO Fair Haven VT         22-07.00      6.88m 
 26  1773 Rivers, Zach        09 Mt. Mansfield VT      21-10.50      6.66m 
Boys Discus Throw
        Meet: # 171-06  1987        Steve Yates, Burlington HS                 
VT State D 1: $ 189-02  1987        Steve Yates, Burlington HS                 
VT State D 2: % 169-06  1991        Matt Coates, Montpelier HS                 
VT State D 3: & 140-00  1995        Mike Healander, Peoples Academy            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1  1441 Barkoski, Dylan     SR Burlington VT        142-01.50&    43.31m   10  
  2  1768 LaBelle, Jesse      11 Mt. Mansfield VT        125-09     38.32m    8  
  3  1631 Wyman, Kyle         SO Fair Haven VT        125-01.50     38.13m    6  
  4  1458 Stannard, Dwight    SO Burlington VT           122-09     37.41m    5  
  5  1638 Canton, Kyle        12 Harwood VT          X119-07.50     36.46m 
  6  1674 Newland, Ian        SR Lyndon VT               119-01     36.29m    4  
  7  1722 Butler, Wes         SR Mt. Abraham VT       113-02.50     34.50m    3  
  8  1872 Lumumba, Adolphe    JR S. Burlington VT     111-05.50     33.97m    2  
  9  1913 Bouffard, Riley     SR St. Johnsbury VT        110-02     33.57m    1  
 10  1709 Gonyeau, Jason      10 Milton VT            103-05.50     31.53m 
 11  1708 Dallier, Justin     11 Milton VT            100-04.75     30.60m 
 12  1795 Bouffard, Thomas    11 NorthCountry VT       96-07.50     29.45m 
 13  1918 Gingue, James       SR St. Johnsbury VT      93-11.50     28.63m 
 14  1540 Snow, Mike          FR Colchester  VT        93-03.50     28.43m 
 15  1794 Blindow, Kyle       12 NorthCountry VT          92-11     28.32m 
 16  1572 Amato, Evan         JR Essex VT              92-10.50     28.30m 
 17  1951 Delano, Dylan          U-32 VT                  92-08     28.24m 
 18  1770 Malinowski, Tom     10 Mt. Mansfield VT      91-07.50     27.92m 
 18  1676 Pal, Bryan          SR Lyndon VT             91-07.50     27.92m 
 20  1527 Deshenes, Tim       SR Colchester  VT        86-01.50     26.25m 
 21  1504 Sweeney, Brendan    SR Champlain Val VT      85-00.50     25.92m 
 22  1874 Mahl, Chris         FR S. Burlington VT         84-10     25.85m 
 23  1587 Ploof, Anthony      SR Essex VT                 81-05     24.81m 
 24  1727 Curavoo, Shawn      SR Mt. Abraham VT        79-01.50     24.11m 
 25  1827 McGregor, Kevin     SR Rice Mem VT              77-09     23.69m 
 26  1406 Czekaj, Peter       SO Bell. Free Ac VT         61-09     18.82m 
Boys Javelin Throw
        Meet: # 194-02  1997        Chris Kirkpatrick, Champlain Valley UHS    
VT State D 1: $ 208-09  1997        Chris Kirkpatrick, Champlain Valley UHS    
VT State D 2: % 209-08  1997        Chris Tomberg, Bellows Falls UHS           
VT State D 3: & 174-10  2000        Chris Lagrow, Windsor HS                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1  1678 Sawhill, Dan        JR Lyndon VT               161-10     49.32m   10  
  2  1727 Curavoo, Shawn      SR Mt. Abraham VT          151-10     46.27m    8  
  3  1674 Newland, Ian        SR Lyndon VT               148-10     45.36m    6  
  4  1760 Border, Matt        12 Mt. Mansfield VT        142-03     43.35m    5  
  5  1615 Denehy, Morgan      SO Fair Haven VT           135-10     41.40m    4  
  6  1460 Weaver, Travis      JR Burlington VT           135-05     41.27m    3  
  7  1640 Wagner, Kory        12 Harwood VT             X133-10     40.79m 
  8  1758 Bestenbostel, Adam  12 Mt. Mansfield VT        132-09     40.46m    2  
  9  1723 Cobb, Steven        SR Mt. Abraham VT          129-06     39.47m    1  
 10  1417 Pereira-Bailey, Ka  SR Bell. Free Ac VT        127-10     38.96m 
 11  1631 Wyman, Kyle         SO Fair Haven VT           123-05     37.61m 
 12  1572 Amato, Evan         JR Essex VT                122-00     37.18m 
 13  1872 Lumumba, Adolphe    JR S. Burlington VT        118-08     36.16m 
 14  1918 Gingue, James       SR St. Johnsbury VT        118-06     36.11m 
 15  1577 Cummings, Daniel    SR Essex VT                115-07     35.22m 
 16  1795 Bouffard, Thomas    11 NorthCountry VT         113-05     34.56m 
 17  1716 Stevens, Craig      12 Milton VT               113-00     34.44m 
 18  1535 Newton, Kyle        SR Colchester  VT          111-11     34.11m 
 19  1703 Bell, Stuart        10 Milton VT               109-02     33.27m 
 20  1951 Delano, Dylan          U-32 VT                 100-06     30.63m 
 21  1409 Gamache, Dante      SO Bell. Free Ac VT         94-10     28.90m 
 22  1446 Chrisman, Paul      SO Burlington VT            94-09     28.87m 
 23  1503 Stearns, Mike       JR Champlain Val VT         93-06     28.49m 
 24  1880 Tang, George        SR S. Burlington VT         87-10     26.77m 
 25  1493 Jesset, Colby       SR Champlain Val VT         86-05     26.33m 
                           Men - Team Rankings - 18 
    1) Essex High School - VT     107.50     2) St. Johnsbury Academy - V  84   
    3) Burlington High School - V  76        4) Mt. Mansfield Union HS -   73   
    5) South Burlington HS - VT    65        6) Lyndon Institute - VT      52.50
    7) Colchester HS - VT          51        8) Champlai Valley UHS - VT   49   
    9) Fair Haven Union HS - VT    31       10) Rice Memorial HS - VT      29   
   11) Bellows Free Acad - VT      21       12) Mt. Abraham HS - VT        17   
   13) North Country U HS - VT     11.50    14) U-32 HS - VT               11   
   15) Milton HS - VT               8       16) Rutland HS - VT             5   
   17) Spaulding High School - VT   1.50